We are a group of Northern Coloradans interested in exploring the paranormal and getting a scare or two as well. We all bring our own views on what the paranormal is, or even if its. If your interested in an unbiased opinion on the paranormal your in the right place.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I am sorry however due to the fact that we have been unable to organize any excursions for some time this site will at least temporarily shut down. come back around may to see if we will be continuing to investigate when summer comes.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sorry, about the delay

Sorry about the delay in any post, I've been trying to contact several properties owner's rather unsuccessfully. We will however be posting about an investigation soon.
           Stay in touch!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bingham Hill Cemetery

Sadly, but not to much surprise, after an extra elongated and exhaustive review by several team members, no evidence of any paranormal activity at Bingham cemetery was caught. We may revisit this site sometime in the future but not now, during the rest of the week we'll find and update you on possible locations for an investigation, stay in touch!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Investigation update

     Sorry about the delay, in a turn of random and quite unpredictable events, most all of the team was forced to cancel the investigation so of the three that were able to make it only one can review evidence which means its been taking some time. We apologize.
     Expect a post tonight including any evidence caught and just some video/audio of the investigation if it turns out to be nothing.
     The investigation went good for some time, though the only personal experience was seeing an orb, who knows what we may have got on audio or in pictures.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Investigation countdown

Hello all we will be investigating Bingham Cemetery tonight!
Be on the look out over the weekend for us to post any evidence we catch!
Best wishes from NCoH!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I would like to point out to viewers that seeing as to how our blog is still unfinished it shan't be judged harshly. Please follow and in a month when we have all the gears go'n and wheels roll'n then come back and see where we are, Thank you!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bingham Hill Cemetery

Found in LaPorte near Fort Collins Bingham cemetery is primarily "populated" by the 1800's settlers who first used it. most of the grave stones have taken quiet the beating from mother nature however for its age the site is in fairly good condition.

Nothing of particular interest here.

Claims include mainly voices and feelings of being watched, and some of being touched.
Other claims include one of orbs and mists being seen,and very in oft'n people claim to have been chased by an evil/malevolent, and sometimes even described as demonic spirit on the trail that leads to the cemetery.

Bingham Cemetery

We have decided to investigate Bingham Cemetery in LaPorte first, ill be updating with history and claims of activity within 24 hours.

Monday, September 19, 2011


We are currently doing research on potential places to investigate, our system will be easy we'll do a post of history, then one of evidence caught and finally one of our final verdict on the location.